
the Dog Citizen community is growing! see what our customers are saying….

training testimonials

Dachshund dog walking on grass from customer testimonial

“Thank you so much Chris, you really have helped to train not only my dog Buddy, but me as well! Before we met you I had a dog that was pulling on walks, stealing food and had no manners. With your guidance and help I have a dog who is starting to understand the rules, is a lot easier to walk and has stopped stealing food from the table…I can’t thank you enough for steering us in the right direction.”


“My 4yr old pulled on his lead and Chris helped both dog and owner to a more pleasant experience. He was patient and reassuring with us both.

I highly recommend Dog Citizen to one and all. His friendly manner made the experience enjoyable as well as rewarding. 5*”

close up of poodle cross dog for customer testimonials

pointer cross dog at home - customer testimonials

“I started this journey with Connie, a very nervous and frightened 18-month-old rescue dog, with no training either on or off the lead. As well as our training sessions, backed up with emails outlining what our objectives were for that week, Chris was always available for guidance and reassurance.

Three months later and with Chris’s help Connie is now a happy and obedient dog who is a pleasure to take for daily walks. She still needs help with her confidence and anxiety problems but with Chris’s assistance I have every confidence we can make further progress.”


staffordshire bull terrier in dog bed looking up for customer testimonial

“Chris came to our home to help with our rescue Staffy who had suddenly become very anxious and had taken a dislike to going outside. His sensible recommendations and frequent home visits helped us to work with her in a calm, consistent way building her confidence bit by bit. She is now much better and almost back to her old self.

We would 100% recommend Chris and Dog Citizen for anyone concerned about their dogs. Thank-you Chris.”


head shot of bernese mountain dog customer testimonials

“We called Chris after our Bernese Mountain Dog, chased one too many dogs through the park with absolutely no recall. Being a large breed other dogs (and their owners) would be intimidated by our dog. We hoped after some training we could get him under control. What we didn’t expect was the training would transcend obedience into building a stronger relationship with Monty that is fulfilling for us and for Monty.

Today Monty is well on his way to being a well-behaved dog, walks are much less stressful and much more enjoyable.”


“Dolly has learnt the important skills of recall and stay, along with sitting before crossing the road and most importantly not to pull when on the lead. Dog School has been an education for the whole family and Chris has been an encouraging and patient teacher.

The lesson reminder leaflets are great for looking back on too. Thank you for all your hard work.”

cockapoo dog in kitchen looking up customer testimonials

black and white spaniel dog looking up

“Chris introduced a new calming routine for both the dog and us. Initially we were apprehensive of this calmer approach as our dog is nuts, very excitable and definitely not calm. However, this new tactic allowed us to immediately be calmer and enjoy the walk and our Baxter was suddenly calmer and when let off lead he wasn’t so hyped up.

Having Chris walk with us he was able to see Baxter’s temperament and gave us home work to practice and apply during walks and at home. Baxter is so much happier, trusting and more obedient.”


walking testimonials

close up of two labrador dogs in car customer testimonial

“Chris has been a lifesaver helping to keep my two energetic labradors Radler & Hugo exercised and stimulated while I’m away with work or on holidays. From the first moment we met I was reassured by Chris’s organised and professional manner. He thoroughly determined each of my dog’s individual needs and incorporated some much-needed refresher training for recall and lead walking into their daily walks and visits.

Communication is always excellent with welcome pup-dates daily on training and walks. Two very happy pups. Thank you for all your help.”


collie dog in park looking up customer testimonial

“Chris has walked our 7m old Border Collie puppy, Shadow, daily for 10 days whilst we were on holiday and Shadow was staying with mum. He has been brilliant, helping my mum with advice and providing updates on the walks, which were at varied locations around Dunmow. Highly recommended.”


Latest News

We were delighted to be joint sponsor of the Dog Show at the Countess of Warwick Show this summer.

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“The Dog Citizen® Way”

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“The Dog Citizen® Way”